
Becoming a certified Tree Farmer (an ATFS member) means deciding what resources you have on your land. It means developing a written forest management plan that meets your needs and sustains your forest for generations to come. A professional forester can assist you, answer questions and help you develop your management plan.

To qualify for Tree Farm certification, woodlands must be:

10 acres or more
Under management, with a written and implemented plan that accounts for water quality, wildlife habitat, soil conservation and biodiversity, as well as production of forest products
protected from fire, insects, disease, and destructive grazing
reforested in a timely manner after harvesting

Tree Farmers must make good-faith efforts to:

protect special sites and consider forest aesthetics
dispose of slash in an environmentally sound manner
use chemicals prudently
contract with licensed and insured loggers and forest management contractors

If you meet these requirements, click here to become a member of the American Tree Farm System. The Minnesaota Tree Farm Committee will contact you to schedule a free inspection of your woodlands by a volunteer professional foresters. A volunteer inspector will arrange a visit to your woodlands and to review your management plan. Other than your commitment to the principles outlined above, there is no cost or obligation to become an ATFS member.

Benefits of ATFS membership

Membership in a network of professionals and landowners who share your commitment to sustainable forestry.
Free professional advice from a forester during an initial inspection and during a re-certification inspection every five years.
Invitations to seminars, field days and workshops that can help you achieve the goals you have set for your Tree Farm.
ATFS recognized sign of sustainable forestry and other ATFS promotional items.
Opportunities, training and tools that will help you in your education efforts about the benefits of sustainable forestry.
Local, state and national information on legislation and other issues affecting forest land owners.

An annual convention where you can meet, share experiences and enjoy the fellowship of Tree Farmers from across the country.
The opportunity to be recognized by fellow landowners and forestry professionals in local, state, regional and national Outstanding Tree Farmer competition.
A complimentary issue to Tree Farmer, the Guide to Sustaining America’s Family Forests magazine, the bi-monthly forest enhancement publication by Tree Farmers for Free Farmers.

To enroll now:

To enroll now, complete the enrollment form here. If you’re just starting out as a new woodland owner, you may also be interested in becoming a Pioneer Tree Farmer.

September 2013 Tree Farm Inspector and QDMA Training:

This 1/2 day workshop is for forest resource mangers interested in becoming a certified a Tree Farm Inspector or for Inspectors who need to update their certification to the new 2010 Tree Farm Standards. A QDMA Land Certification Program training will be offered that afternoon at the same location. All the details are here. Drop us a line with any questions at [email protected]

Tree Farm is Minnesota’s largest network of family forest owners committed to protecting wildlife habitat and watersheds, conserving soil and providing recreation for their communities while producing wood for America.